Meet the winners !

W i n n e r s


Why did I choose this topic instead of others ?

If you ever get to ask my friends about me, they will all indubitably say that I am a gluttonous youngster. I am not to blame if I love food, who doesn’t!? At the same time, I have a tremendous passion for STEM, and I enjoy learning about them. Therefore, I searched for a topic that could highlight these two passions, showing that they are, in reality, strongly correlated. Meanwhile, I wanted to learn how to bake bread, to eat it of course, and I quickly became fascinated by its recipe. I sceptically analysed it, and after some researches, I found out that baking bread is a delectable scientific mixture. I was especially amazed by the yeast fermentation, and how magically (I would rather say “scientifically”) it can raise our bread. What encouraged me even more to choose this gripping topic, is that few people know what is the science behind baking bread, though it is widely eaten, and hence prepared. Bizzard, isn’t it? For all those reasons, I was totally convinced that this is the best topic I could talk about, and I hope my decision was wise enough!


School name : Complexe scolaire Khalil Abdelhafid
City : SALE, Morocco
Grade : common-core

Votes are closed

All the votes will be checked by our team before the announcement of the finalists

سيتم التحقق من جميع الأصوات قبل الاعلان عن المتأهلين للمرحلة الموالية

Science Lover ?


Scientific Morocco
US Embassy Rabat