Meet the winners !

W i n n e r s


Why did I choose this topic instead of others ?

I have spent a lot of time studying this topic , and I was interested in it , because it answered about many questions i had in mind ! And because i was curious about it , i tried to search and think out of the box, in order to illustrate it in the simplest way . This is why i decided to share it with other people , because they could have the same questions as i had .


School name : Al Maarif 2
City : Sale, Morocco
Grade : first-baccalaureate-level

Votes are closed

All the votes will be checked by our team before the announcement of the finalists

سيتم التحقق من جميع الأصوات قبل الاعلان عن المتأهلين للمرحلة الموالية

Science Lover ?


Scientific Morocco
US Embassy Rabat